
Upgrading Ghost to the latest version

Keeping Ghost installation up-to-date is important not only because of new features added but also because of all the security updates.

Upgrading Ghost to the latest version

Keeping Ghost installation up-to-date is important not only because of new features added but also because of all the security updates.

1. BACKUP /var/www/ghost/content folder
   * optional but highly recommended
2. sudo systemctl stop ghost
   * or any other service manager
3. cd /var/www
   * assuming the blog is located at /var/www/ghost
4. curl -LOk
5. sudo rm -rf ghost/core
   sudo rm -rf content/themes/
   * optional
6. unzip -uo -d ghost
   * copy only new and updated files
7. sudo chown -R ghost:ghost ghost/*
   * optional
8. cd /var/www/ghost
9. sudo npm install --production
10. sudo systemctl start ghost

optional (before npm install run):

- sudo rm -rf node_modules/
- sudo npm cache clean

unzip -uo only copies files that are newer than the one that exist. This option is important to preserve all the data files.

once in a while installation will with weird errors such as “ERROR: AppField is already defined in the registry.”

in that case it is a good idea to replace /var/www/ghost/core folder or even the entire installation except for content folder and config.js.

it also helps to troubleshoot problematic installs by starting ghost with npm start

for instance: npm start --production

to start ghost as a service:

download init script

$ sudo curl \   -o /etc/init.d/ghost

make sure /etc/init.d/ghost DAEMON variable is the same as the output of which node

$ sudo useradd -r ghost -U $ sudo chown -R ghost:ghost /var/www/ghost $ sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/ghost

start the service on boot

$ sudo update-rc.d ghost defaults $ sudo update-rc.d ghost enable

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