Cheat sheet
Just a bunch of short expressions in Swift.
- readonly var
println(“ \() “)
- Optional (can be not set)
enum Optional<T> { case None case Some(T) }
- unwrap an optional (will crash if nil)
all properties have to be initialized and optionals are nil by default
getters and setters
var name:type { get { } set { newValue } }
function signature shortcuts
{ (op1: Double, op2: Double) -> Double in return op1 * op2 } { (op1, op2) in op1 * op2 } { $0 * $1 }
array and map definition shortcuts
Array<Double> - [Double] Dictionary<String, Double> - [String:Double]
Only classes are passed by reference (not structs)
Printable protocol:
var description: String { get { } }
prevents subclasses from using override
observe changes to a property willSet
and didSet
{newValue oldValue}
a property can be lazy
required & convenience init
is a failable init
casting as or as? (will not crash)
if let buttonItem = item as? UIButton { … }
set contentMode
to properly redraw on view bounds change
add @IBDesignable
to a view to allow Xcode to draw it and @IBInspectable
to allow to modify properties from Xcode
use class in protocol to allow only classes (and not structs or enums) to implement it
if left side is nil use right side
in switch means execute the next case
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