
Catching an exception in Swift using functions!

Recently we had a need in a general way to catch calls that can throw an exception.

Catching an exception in Swift using functions!

Recently we had a need in a general way to catch calls that can throw an exception.

Like with any functional or semi-functional language it is fairly easy to create weird looking constructs with Swift.

Let’s create one but first a function that simply throws an error:

func throwAnError() throws -> Void {
    throw DivisionError.ByZero

If we call throwAnError() it must be surrounded by a do...catch block.

do {
    try throwAnError()
} catch let error as NSError {
    print("Unable to divide by zero:", error)
} catch {
    print("Failed miserably and have no idea what happened.")

And it is all great until we have to call throwAnError() many many times in many different places… For that we can create a function that will do that for us!

func printError(completion: () throws -> Void)
    do {
        try completion()
    } catch let error as NSError {
        print("Unable to divide by zero:", error)
    } catch {
        print("Failed miserably and have no idea what happened.")

And now we can simply run it as a block:

    try throwAnError()

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