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A collection of 17 posts

Remote notifications cover image

Remote notifications

Push notifications on iOS 8.

Supporting iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 plus resolutions cover image
ios,  ios-8

Supporting iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 plus resolutions

By default all the apps (even compiled with Xcode 6 and iOS 8) will run in a scaled mode on both iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 plus.

Set application name depending on the build type cover image
ios,  xcode

Set application name depending on the build type

Having a different application name for release and development builds.

fileExistsAtPath always returns NO (false) cover image
ios,  ios-8,  objc

fileExistsAtPath always returns NO (false)

Generating the path dynamically with NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains.

NSURL URLWithString vs fileURLWithPath cover image
ios,  objc

NSURL URLWithString vs fileURLWithPath

A frequent mistake when playing a local video using [AVAudioPlayer initWithContentsOfURL:url] is to use URLWithString instead of fileURLWithPath.

Stack views vertically or horizontally on iOS 8 using AutoLayout cover image
ios,  auto-layout,  swift

Stack views vertically or horizontally on iOS 8 using AutoLayout

While starting iOS 9 we have UIStackView, it is a little bit tricky to stack views vertically or horizontally.

Creating NSManagedObject subclasses from a model in Xcode 8 cover image
xcode,  swift,  ios

Creating NSManagedObject subclasses from a model in Xcode 8

In Xcode 8, it is no longer possible to create NSManagedObject subclasses...

Compiler Error when using Generics and nested functions, Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11 cover image
swift,  ios,  xcode

Compiler Error when using Generics and nested functions, Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11

The following code is causing a compiler crash when compiled with Swift 3 and Xcode 8...

A simple optimization for UICollectionView (or UITableView) updates cover image
swift,  ios

A simple optimization for UICollectionView (or UITableView) updates

Collection view is highly optimized and works great out of the box.

Working with a playground cover image
swift,  reactive-swift,  reactive-cocoa,  ios

Working with a playground

According to the documentation, to use ReactiveSwift.playground the following steps must be performed...

UICollectionView terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException cover image
xcode,  ios,  swift

UICollectionView terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

ne of our views that contains a UICollectionView started crashing once in a while...

Unwanted padding in UICollectionView in iOS 10 cover image
swift,  ios,  auto-layout

Unwanted padding in UICollectionView in iOS 10

On iOS 10, a collection view embedded in a view has unexpected padding at the top.

UICollectionView: Self sizing cell with a UILabel on iOS 10 cover image
swift,  ios

UICollectionView: Self sizing cell with a UILabel on iOS 10

All we needed was a simple UICollectionView with just one cell that contained a label ...

Setting height constraint for a view in a cell cover image
ios,  swift,  auto-layout

Setting height constraint for a view in a cell

We needed a collection view cell that contained an image view and a label.

How to avoid memory leaks cover image
rx-swift,  swift,  ios

How to avoid memory leaks

RxSwift is a powerful framework and, as always, with power comes responsibility.

Symbolification in iOS applications cover image
ios,  xcode

Symbolification in iOS applications

Symbolification is the process of mapping machine addresses into the source code. The tricky part is that by default .DSYM file is only generated for release builds.

Framework with C code cover image
swift,  ios,  xcode

Framework with C code

How to create a framework that uses C with Xcode