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A collection of 4 posts

Currency string from a number (double) cover image

Currency string from a number (double)

Converting a decimal number to a currency string is simple with NSNumberFormatter.

fileExistsAtPath always returns NO (false) cover image
ios,  ios-8,  objc

fileExistsAtPath always returns NO (false)

Generating the path dynamically with NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains.

NSURL URLWithString vs fileURLWithPath cover image
ios,  objc

NSURL URLWithString vs fileURLWithPath

A frequent mistake when playing a local video using [AVAudioPlayer initWithContentsOfURL:url] is to use URLWithString instead of fileURLWithPath.

Debugging view constraints with Xcode 7 cover image
xcode,  objc,  swift,  auto-layout

Debugging view constraints with Xcode 7

A small button named 'Debug view hierarchy', displays current view hierarchy in 3D.